Magic for React Native

Magic for React Native

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Reference for the Magic SDK for React Native:


The Magic React Native JavaScript SDK is distributed from the same NPM package as our Magic SDK for Web! This is your entry-point to secure, passwordless authentication for your iOS or Android-based React Native app. This guide will cover some important topics for getting started with client-side APIs and to make the most of Magic's features.

APIs from Magic SDK for Web are also available in the React Native bundle.

Magic can support either server-based or serverless web applications. It is up to the developers to implement the Admin SDK to validate the DID Token.


  • Our React Native package is split between two packages: @magic-sdk/react-native-bare for Bare React Native setups and @magic-sdk/react-native-expo for those utilizing Expo.
  • As of @magic-sdk/react-native v2.0.0: the sub-dependency react-native-webview is removed from the package dependencies and required as a peer dependency to avoid iOS WebView module collision. Read more.
  • Please note that as of v14.0.0 our React Native package offerings wrap the <Relayer> in react-native-safe-area-context's <SafeAreaView />. To prevent any adverse behavior in your app, please place the Magic Relayer React component at the root view of your application wrapped in a SafeAreaProvider as described in the documentation.


01# NPM
02npm install --save @magic-sdk/react-native-bare
03npm install --save react-native-device-info # Required Peer Dependency
04npm install --save @react-native-async-storage/async-storage # Required Peer Dependency
05npm install --save react-native-safe-area-context # Required Peer Dependency
07# Yarn
08yarn add @magic-sdk/react-native-bare
09⁠yarn add react-native-device-info # Required Peer Dependency
10yarn add @react-native-async-storage/async-storage # Required Peer Dependency
11yarn add react-native-safe-area-context # Required Peer Dependency
13# For iOS
14cd ios
15⁠pod install
17# Start your app
18⁠cd /path/to/project/root
19yarn start


01# NPM
02npm install --save @magic-sdk/react-native-expo
03npm install --save react-native-webview@^8.0.0 # Required Peer Dependency
04npm install --save react-native-safe-area-context # Required Peer Dependency
06# Yarn
07yarn add @magic-sdk/react-native-expo
08yarn add react-native-webview@^8.0.0 # Required Peer Dependency
09yarn add react-native-safe-area-context # Required Peer Dependency
11# Start your app
12expo start

#Create an SDK Instance

Examples for the Magic Client SDK for React Native uses the ES Module/TypeScript pattern by default.

#ES Modules/TypeScript

01# Bare React Native
02import { Magic } from '@magic-sdk/react-native-bare';
03# Expo React Native
04import { Magic } from '@magic-sdk/react-native-expo';
06const m = new Magic('API_KEY'); // ✨


01# Bare React Native
02const { Magic } = require('@magic-sdk/react-native-bare');
03⁠# Expo React Native
04const { Magic } = require('@magic-sdk/react-native-expo');
06const m = new Magic('API_KEY'); // ✨

#Rendering Magic

To facilitate events between the Magic <iframe> context and your React Native application, a React component must be exposed on your Magic instance: <Relayer>.


<Relayer> must be rendered into your application before Magic methods will resolve.

01function App() {
02  return (
03    <SafeAreaProvider>
04      {/* Remember to render the `Relayer` component into your app! */}
05      <m.Relayer />
06    </SafeAreaProvider>
07  );

#Usage With Ethereum/Web3

As with our web SDK, the React Native SDK can be used with Ethereum via Web3 or Ethers JS.

There's one "gotcha" to be aware of: @magic-sdk/react-native-bare (or @magic-sdk/react-native-expo for Expo setups) should be imported before web3 (this restriction does not apply to ethers). For example:

01// 🚫 Bad!
02import Web3 from 'web3';
03import { Magic } from '@magic-sdk/react-native-bare';
05// ✅ Good!
06import { Magic } from '@magic-sdk/react-native-bare';
07import Web3 from 'web3';

#Set up web3.js

If you encounter this error: "Crypto" could not be found within the project

01npm install --save node-libs-browser

Then, create a file called metro.config.js at the root of the project:

01module.exports = {
02  resolver: {
03    extraNodeModules: require('node-libs-browser'),
04  },

👉 Learn more about using Magic SDK with Ethereum!

⁠⁠👉 Check out some of our sample apps for inspiration!

Server-side SDKs?

Integrate Magic with your existing backend.

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